3 beneficios de adquirir un software personalizado

3 benefits of acquiring custom software

Managing is not an easy task, that is why many businessmen have preferred to optimize their processes with the implementation of some custom software, but what are the benefits of acquiring custom software? Is a personalized program better than a mass one? find out with us. In the market there are many programs to be […]

¿Cuáles áreas puede potenciar un software personalizado?

What areas can personalized software enhance?

The technology available today can make people’s lives easier and companies more productive. There is so much current technology that some people say “everything has already been invented”, however, for companies this is not always valid and in those cases the option we recommend is to resort to personalized software. But really, when is it […]

Conocé la mejor plataforma para eventos virtuales

Meet the best platform for virtual events

And well, what an ambitious title. But the truth is that Polpoflix deserves it! During the global emergency that we are experiencing due to COVID-19, the events industry has had to transform itself in order to spread its wings in the digital world. Thinking before the pandemic of a 100% virtual event where visitors, organizers […]

¿Qué debes saber sobre el auge de los eventos virtuales?

What should you know about the rise of virtual events?

Due to the change of the global sector due to the pandemic, virtual events have had a boom compared to previous years. Live streaming applications and digital platforms have allowed companies to recreate everything that is lived in the different events, but virtually. Today there is a considerable number of people who are willing to […]

Conoce las oportunidades disponibles en el país para reducir la brecha de género

Learn about the opportunities available in the country to reduce the gender gap

Women in Science & Engineering Program (WISE) ULACIT  Scholarship program for women in STEM careers offered by the Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT). These are partial and total scholarships to empower women to develop the skills and competencies of human talent to face the changes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. https://bit.ly/3bpswXE “Women in […]

La tecnología no se va de vacaciones

Technology doesn't go on vacation

We have heard it said that vacations are to disconnect and take a break from day to day and immediately we associate this phrase with that we should not use our electronic devices and keep them in airplane mode as much as we can but what if you use technology to disconnect from the world […]

Las mejores opciones para llevar su empresa a la nube este 2021

The best options to take your company to the cloud this 2021

At the enterprise level, there is more and more talk about Cloud Computing and its benefits. But do you really know what are the best options to take your company to the cloud? Knowing them will make a big difference between success or failure when it comes to digitizing your company. Options to take your […]

La importancia del SEO en tu sitio web

The importance of SEO on your website

Today the internet has become part of our lives, but not only for people but also for businesses. In fact, many claim that “if you are not on the internet you are invisible”. But it is not enough to have a website, you also have to position it. But how? the answer lies in the […]

Machine Learning: más familiar de lo que piensas

Machine Learning: More Familiar Than You Think

Today, the ability to learn is no longer only reserved for humans, the recommendations of movies and articles in online stores, as well as the ability of autonomous cars to know the way, are achieved thanks to Machine Learning. What is Machine Learning? Machine learning is a new area of artificial intelligence. This technology manages […]

Los peligros de no digitalizar y automatizar su empresa

The dangers of not digitizing and automating your business

We live in an era of digital change and this era is here to stay. Companies that don’t adapt to this reality will be at a disadvantage, not to mention how little chance they have of surviving. If you’re still not convinced to digitize and automate your business, you should know the dangers you face. […]
