¿En verdad es más costoso un Software Personalizado?

Is Custom Software really more expensive?

The term “custom software” is very common in the business environment, mainly among small and medium-sized companies; Especially for how useful one of these can be for the management of the company, but also for the price it can reach. This raises questions about the cost of custom software. And it is usual to hear […]

¿Qué debe tener un sitio web para que cumpla su objetivo?

What should a website have for it to meet its goal?

Nowadays all businesses dream of having a website and more than a dream is a necessity, however, it is not enough just to have a website, you have to design it well so that it can be effective and profitable, but then what should a website have to meet its goal? These aspects can range […]

5 razones para Integrar una e-commerce a tu Sistema de Ventas.

5 reasons to integrate an e-commerce to your sales system

In this day and age when everything is migrating to electronic platforms, commerce is by no means the exception; It is for this reason that most establishments and commercial enterprises have opted for transactional websites. And there are many reasons why you can integrate an e-commerce to your sales system. 1.- Continuous attention 24 hours. […]

Gsuite vs Office 365 ¿Cuál Suite Empresarial Escoger para mi Negocio?

Gsuite vs Office 365 Which Business Suite to Choose for My Business?

Both Microsoft and Google are 2 of the largest technology companies today; And both offer interesting plans that include everything from office automation, to cloud storage and communication tools. That’s why this time I will show you an interesting comparison: Gsuite vs Office 365 Which is better for your business? The two companies offer a […]

Las métricas SEO más influyentes

The most influential SEO metrics

Do you have a website? Very well, that is the first step to occupy a place on the internet, but it is not everything; you need to apply certain SEO strategies that help you not only be on the web, but to position yourself on it. It is also important that you use certain metrics […]

¿Cómo están utilizando las empresas la Inteligencia Artificial?

How are companies using Artificial Intelligence?

Currently technology has been expanding its development, and thanks to this, companies or companies have managed to grow exponentially, many of them due to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). But what is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What is artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the skill that a machine or computer system possesses by presenting […]

UI y UX una filosofía de diseño basada en el usuario

UI and UX a user-based design philosophy

The success of a digital marketing strategy in a company or business is essentially linked to the design of your web portal. In this section, we will clear those doubts that are presented to you regarding what is UI and UX design?  and how you should use it in your company as a digital strategy. […]

Plataformas Over the top (OTT) una nueva forma de transmisión de contenido

Over the top (OTT) platforms, a new way of streaming content

In recent years the way in which content is transmitted has undergone a radical change. Technological advances and the popularization of the internet have been one of the precise elements for us to go from watching pay TV to using Over the top (OTT) platforms. This streaming service has had a great demand by its […]

Ciencia y Tecnología en Femenino

Science and Technology in Women

The best way to celebrate Women’s Day in our #techie community is by talking about the opportunities and efforts that build an equal world and reduce the gender gap in technology. According to a report by the consulting firm ATKearney, companies led by women are more economically profitable, even with fewer resources, and states that […]
